Strokovnjak napoveduje grozeči gospodarski zlom, ko se države BRICS združijo proti dolarju

Andy Schectman, Izvršni direktor Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments, je v nedavnem intervjuju pojasnil, da je pet vodilnih gospodarstev v vzponu – Brazilija, Rusija, Indija, Kitajska, in Južno Afriko, skupaj znane kot države BRICS—so “združevanje proti dolarju.” Schectman meni, da od 2022, de-dollarization

Analitik opozarja na pristojnost bank za zaplembo sredstev, Padec kupne moči ameriških dolarjev

Po mnenju Lynette Zang, glavni tržni analitik pri ITM Trading, ZDA. banke imajo pravno pooblastilo za zaplembo sredstev ljudi zaradi zakonodaje, ki jo je sprejel kongres. V nedavnem intervjuju, Zang je razpravljal o tem, kako je kupna moč ZDA. dollar has

Uncertainty Surrounds Federal Reserve’s Future Plans for Rate Hikes

ZDA. Federal Reserve has raised the benchmark bank rate seven times during the course of 2022, leading many to question when the central bank will cease or change course. The Fed has stated that it aims to bring inflation down

Poročilo: Deleted Files Indicate Crypto Lender Hodlnaut’s Execs Gave Little Weight to Terra Luna Exposure

According to a report, the embattled crypto lender Hodlnaut saw a significant loss from the Terra blockchain collapse last May. The report notes that Hodlnaut downplayed the companys exposure to the Terra ecosystem and allegedly lost $190 million from the incident….

Professor Steve Hanke Says US Economy Was Flat Over the Last Year, but Stresses ‘It’s Going to Hit South’

Amid the chaotic economy, plagued with central bank tinkering, supply chain issues, and red-hot inflation, the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke believes apretty big recessionwill take place in 2023. Speaking in an interview on

Poudarek v spisih na sodišču Hodlnaut a $193 Milijonski primanjkljaj, Žvižgač obsoja protislovne izjave posojilodajalca kriptovalut

The troubled crypto lender Hodlnaut shared another update after the company froze withdrawals on August 8, and then revealed the company is seeking judicial management in order to rehabilitate the startup. The latest update shows that Hodlnaut experienced a shortfall of

Ron Paul vztraja, da bo prišlo do kolapsa ameriškega gospodarstva,Nekdanji kongresnik pravi, da je likvidacija 'popolnoma potrebna'

Just recently the American author, economist, and retired politician Ron Paul discussed the rising tensions between China and Taiwan during an interview and he talked about the U.S. economy as well. Paul insists that the U.S. gospodarstvo’s “collapse will come,” in…

Posojilodajalec kriptovalut Hodlnaut začasno ustavi dvige — podjetje se sklicuje na tržne razmere, Kljub nedavnemu kripto dvigu

On August 8, the crypto exchange and lending platform Hodlnaut announced that the company has paused withdrawals, token swaps, and deposits. Hodlnaut joins a slew of crypto firms that have frozen withdrawals during the last three months, leaving customers little hope

Skupinska tožba Terraform Labs obtožuje zavajanja vlagateljev

Following the Terra stablecoin depegging incident, a class-action lawsuit has been filed against the company Terraform Labs and a number of other crypto companies over the collapse of terrausd (UST). The case against Terraform Labs (TFL) was filed by the plaintiff

Do Kwon obtožen izplačila 2,7 milijarde dolarjev pred propadom UST, Ustanovitelj Terra pravi, da so obtožbe lažne

Terra’s new LUNA 2.0 žeton je izgubljen 54% v vrednosti v zadnjih dveh tednih, po dosegu $11.33 maja na enoto 30. medtem, the whistleblower Fatman has accused Terras co-founder Do Kwon of cashing out $2.7 billion a few months